Case Study

Competitive Events UI


Featured Artists

Teresa yau
AD & UI/UX Designer: Teresa Yau

I am a Senior Manager experienced in hiring and managing multidisciplinary teams of artists across multiple projects. I have also been tested in multiple startup environments where I was also an Individual Contributor, honing skills in Web Design, Game UI/UX, Motion Graphics, and Art Pipeline development.

Michael Tran
Sr Marketing Artist: Michael Tran

Michael Tran is a Marketing Artist, Photographer, and Video Professional inspired by both classical humanist artists like Henri Cartier-Bresson and modern day Content Creators. Michael delivers Trailers, Promos, and even Static Assets that always to exceed upon expectations.

He was integral in supporting Superteam Games with the ambitious Steam Launch + Livestream Marathon featuring 9 NFL Players, setting up and running all tech required for the AV Production and streaming to Twitch, YouTube, and other Platforms.